Make a Difference

A gift to REACH Mexico will provide children with the opportunity to survive and thrive. REACH Mexico works directly with partners and governments in Empalme, Mexico. We build infrastructure, we provide essential services and we work tirelessly to provide every child in our care an opportunity to thrive.

We couldn’t do any of it without the support of generous donors because we rely 100% on voluntary donations to fund our programs and all the work we do.

Your gift will be put to work immediately to make the world a better place for vulnerable children. We thank you for choosing to donate to REACH Mexico.

With a donation today you will join our incredible supporters who believe every child has the right to shelter, have access to clean water, an education and enough food to eat. 

If you choose to give monthly you will be joining an exclusive group of donors who receive even more information about the impact of giving and real stories of REACH Mexico's work in action. Your gift allows REACH Mexico to plan long term programming for the children of Empalme, Mexico.

When you donate to REACH Mexico, you’ll join us in our mission to fight for the survival and development of all children. As a valued member of our online community, you will receive our monthly eNews and occasional updates about our programs and the lives we are impacting. Sponsor an individual campaign.